Craft to the Outback Oct 2018

After spending a month collecting a wide variety of arts, crafts, baby stuff and children’s toys and puzzles, we set off at the end of October on a magical mystery tour of outback Australia.

When we first came up with this idea, we were thrilled by how supportive everyone was. Mental health in times of hardship is incredibly important and knowing there are people who care, a greater community that wants to share the joy of creating and bring communities that are doing it tough together.

As you can see, the Her Cave community came through. We were blown away by the generosity of our members and want to, yet again, extend a sincere thank you to every one of you.

The further we got from the coast, the drier things got, including large areas of bush just starting to grow back after extensive bushfires. Some of those fires were left to burn because there simply wasn’t any water with which to fight them.

As you can see Regina, her husband, Peter and Gucci (the dog) have had quite the adventure, meeting beautiful people all over NSW, camping in peaceful locations and meeting the wildlife.

All the recipients were grateful and absolutely delighted with their special delivery and we have a bit of extra good news to share.

As a result of a few issues, including some medical problems, we decided to cut the trip short. That means that the rest of the trip has been put on hold until we are able to finish the job. As for when that will be, Regina is keen to wait until temperatures have dropped a bit (currently averaging 30º – 40º+).

As for donations, some of the previously donated items didn’t fit on our first trip, so they will be included in Part 2, as will all the items that have continued to come in. We will make sure that everything we were given for our outback friends is kept safe and separate so they end up in the hands of the people they were intended for.

We will also provide updates on Facebook and on this website before the next Craft run occurs… and this time we WILL make it to Bourke and beyond.